Langley City Council approves planning document changes

The first reading of a resolution containing proposed amendments to Island County’s countywide planning policies was approved by the Langley City Council on June 5.

The proposed amendments have little impact on Langley’s current draft comprehensive plan besides some map amendments, but Island County requested it be approved by the council, City Planner Brigid Reynolds said. The proposed revisions include map amendments for the revised overlay designation of lands in the joint planning area, more clarity for joint planning area and urban growth area expansions, improvements to the county’s buildable lands analysis methodology and the renaming of Langley’s “Potential Growth Area” to “Priority Growth Area.”

The county adopted its countywide planning policies in November 2015, while its comprehensive plan was completed in December 2016. The documents reaffirm the joint planning and establish land designation overlays and policies to guide future planning.

The council is expected to approve the final document at its next meeting on June 19.