Whidbey’s Will Mellish earns the rank of Eagle Scout | NOTABLE

Eagle Scout Will Mellish of Langley was honored by family and close friends at a celebration on March 22.

Eagle Scout Will Mellish of Langley was honored by family and close friends at a celebration on March 22.

Mellish, a South Whidbey High School junior, was awarded his Eagle Scout rank at a board of review in Oak Harbor on Dec. 16, 2010.

Sally Buckingham of the Daughters of the American Revolution presented the Scout with a flag that was flown over the United States Capitol on Jan. 12, and a letter from Congressman Rick Larsen.

During the ceremony, Mellish presented Eagle Mentor pins to Donny Neil and Duran Ulrich.

Mellish also thanked Craig Cyr and Scott Justus for their encouragement during his Scouting career.

Mellish’s Eagle project was to clear a trail and build a turnpike from the parking lot to the beach access at Possession Point in Clinton.

Together with the Scouts of Troop 57, the team put in 149 hours on the project.

Mellish would also like to thank Dion McCauley of Frontier Lumber, Dave Walden of Rempel Brothers Concrete and Jim O’Connor of Jim’s Garden Service for their donations of materials.

Mellish is the son of Rob and Kelli Mellish of Langley.