Americans are deceived by the power of votes


And To The Republic For Which It Stands…

We have a government which spends a monthly ransom in propaganda to cover its mistakes and sugarcoat its policies. If you think you live in America where the people have the power, and their vote determines their destiny then you are deceived.

Just get the platform of the Democrat party, the Socialist party, and the democracy turbulence. Lay them down on your dining room table side by side. Next, get a heavy lead pencil and scratch out the word democrat, Socialist, and democracy and study the record of the present administration up to date. Pick up the platform that most clearly squares with the record, and you will find that you have your hand on the Socialist platform.

It’s not the first time in American history that a group of men have stolen the livery of the church to do the work of the devil. Socialism, once a reality, destroys the moral fiber which is the creation of freedom.

The Book of States from Council of States Government, which was created between 1922 and 1937, is a long-range plan to eliminate our constitutional Republican form of government and institute a democracy.

Democracy is rule of the majority where 51 percent may take away the rights of the 49 percent.” Democracy is for the government by the government and a Republic is for the people by the people.

Alexander Hamilton said, “We are a Republic, real liberty is never found in despotism or in the extremes of democracy.”

Today, Democrats and Republicans are like a vessel tossed, broaching in a gale, and a myriad of sharks following the ship, with a load of collectivism.

This ship must be obliterated. We must return to a Christian constitutional republic. Rule of law.

Let’s review the US Constitution, article 4.5EC, 4, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in the Union, a Republican form of Government.” A Republic is God’s government of peace.

To clean out the filth, there can be but one Hercules-an aroused American people.

