Comedy & Canapés was fun for all | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: IDIPIC's Comedy & Canapés fundraiser was a (near sell-out) success!

To the editor:

IDIPIC’s Comedy & Canapés fundraiser was a (near sell-out) success!

Thank you to all who helped make that happen: the sponsors, Munros’ Driving Instruction and Whidbbey Marketplace & News; the food donators, Arby’s, Domino’s Pizza, Taco Bell and Whidbey Island Kettle Corn; the attendees and the non-attendees who bought tickets as a donation.

Also a thank you to the promoters, whether in local papers’ community calendar, on a business reader board or poster in your window.

We’d also like to especially thank Katie McVicker of the Whidbey News-Times and Kathy Reed of the Whidbey Crosswind for their wonderful features that we know enticed folks to check out the fun venue.

Last but not least, the assistance of Whidbey Playhouse members and their zany improv folks.

You all contributed to our work for “safer kids, safer roads,” which benefits us all.

Please do mark your calendars now for our final big FUNdraiser of the year on October 8 at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge: Whidbey Wine, Dine & Dance!

All the details at

Cecilia Welch, Karen Lewis, Mary Durkee, Chris Williams, Maryann Cowan and Richard Gold

IDIPIC Board of Directors