Emersons are citizen heroes | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor:

Regardless of how you feel politically, or which side of center you are on, it is informative to read the recent comments on the Whidbey News-Times article about Commissioner Kelly Emerson’s permit dispute with the county. Citizens know that they are losing their rights and freedoms, and it is clear from those comments that a majority supports anyone with the guts to challenge the system.

How many have been victimized by the permitting process over the years? Judging from responses to the news article, quite a few.

We all believe legitimate protection of the environment is important. But do we want unelected bureaucrats wielding so much power that they can levy $500-per-day fines? If you disagree with a county action and file a lawsuit, shouldn’t the fines temporarily freeze to await a legal decision?

This is just one more example of the horrendous and arbitrary power that has been assumed by government. How can any of us challenge them when our legal processes cannot be used in our defense? How can any of us feel that we truly own our homes and property when economic devastation and stress can be employed to cow us?

The time, expense and personal grief one must endure to resist county action is daunting. Whatever the legal outcome, I believe Ken and Kelly Emerson are citizen heroes.

Nancy Thompson
