For enlightenment, study U.S. immigration policy


The “sanctuary city” meeting was for “educational” purposes. Given the list of panelists, why was it that the only people on the panel were pro-sanctuary? Were those who disagree deliberately excluded? The meeting was more “brainwashing” than “inclusive” of any opponents given the absence of comments you failed to publish.

The Record has become an activist tabloid with editorials, articles and letters showing a definite bias toward this “sanctuary city” aberration. Obama put gag orders into effect so crimes committed in other sanctuary cities would not become public news, tying the hands of the authorities so they could not divulge the background of the criminals. To my observation the “meeting” was a farce with intent to avoid public scrutiny of the real risks.

“Undocumented immigrants” is an oxymoron. “Illegal aliens” is the correct term. Immigrants are those pursuing through legal channels a way to become future citizens who will assimilate into America’s culture productively. A study of U.S. immigration policy will enlighten people, even some who want to ignore our laws which are just and fair.

