Get more compassionate leaders | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: It’s outrageous that board president Miriam Morin and vice president David Anastasi called in the United States Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services to have 19 geese shot and killed, when the people attending the community meeting concerning the geese issue left thinking they wouldn’t be harmed.

To the editor:

It’s outrageous that board president Miriam Morin and vice president David Anastasi called in the United States Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services to have 19 geese shot and killed, when the people attending the community meeting concerning the geese issue left thinking they wouldn’t be harmed. There are plenty of more effective and humane ways of dealing with geese.

And guess what’s going to happen? More geese will move in so I hope the residents of Honeymoon Bay get a recall election going and vote in a president and vice president who will be more open-minded and compassionate.

I had no idea Whidbey Island was such a hostile environment!

