Guest writer going nowhere | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: RE: “Tea Party’s open letter to Sound Publishing” (

To the editor:

RE: “Tea Party’s open letter to Sound Publishing” (

Wow, I’m concerned for your health. Your blood pressure must be through the roof.

Are you truly open to any opinions other than your own? If so, why not create a local forum where people of differing views and ideas can sit down together, share a cup of coffee and in a calm, objective, collaborative, honest manner working together for the common good of the neighborhood, the island and the country. Forget the hyperbole and name-calling. We are getting absolutely nowhere by beating each other up on a regular basis.

As Ben Franklin said at the signing of the Declaration of Independence on Aug. 2, 1776: “We must hang together or we will most assuredly all hang separately.”

This noose of nastiness and name-calling on all sides is getting pretty tight —  choke, choke!

