Haugen bill hurts clinics | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: It’s both perplexing and disappointing that our Senator Haugen would sponsor a bill (SB-5274) that burdens pregnancy-care clinics with regulations requiring them to post or advertise in six different languages services they do not provide.

To the editor:

It’s both perplexing and disappointing that our Senator Haugen would sponsor a bill (SB-5274) that burdens pregnancy-care clinics with regulations requiring them to post or advertise in six different languages services they do not provide.

This is akin to requiring food services to advertise that they do not use organic ingredients.

Additionally, SB-5274 opens wide the door for any perceived “aggrieved” person to sue a PCC. Whether intentional or not, this arduous bill would result in closing struggling PCCs across the state.

Pregnancy-care centers and clinics are community-based, and community-supported by individuals, churches, businesses, organizations and volunteers. They receive no government dollars, and all services that PCCs provide are free. Those free services include food, diapers, clothing, formula, cribs, car seats, parenting classes, Bible studies, pregnancy tests and ultrasound exams administered by licensed medical professionals.

All this happens in a caring atmosphere, where confidentiality and integrity are foundational. Pregnancy-care clinics do not refer for abortion, and that, apparently, is the sticking point.

Why, with our state experiencing a severe budget crisis, plus transportation challenges, tax issues, etc. would

Sen. Haugen make such onerous legislation a priority? Was her campaign supported by the largest abortion industry, Planned Parenthood? I’m only left with speculation.

Whatever the impetus for Senator Haugen’s sponsoring of SB-5274, it is counterproductive and ultimately will have a negative effect on our community.

Lesley Robbins

Oak Harbor