He’s gone, get over it | LETTER TO THE EDITOR


To the editor:

It’s time to stop blaming the Bush administration for the current problems we are facing, and time for Democrats to start taking credit for their accomplishments over the past two years:

• Billions of dollars in job stimulus that created or saved very few jobs.

• “Obamacare” forced on a country that didn’t want any part of it.

• Lawsuit against the Arizona immigration law that the majority of America supports.

• Adding $13.6 trillion to the national debt, far outpacing any previous president.

Bush may have driven the car into the ditch, but Obama and the Democrats controlled Congress, got into the driver’s seat, gunned the motor and drove it off the cliff.

There are no free lunches. Our government cannot provide everything to everyone and pay for it by borrowing the money from China. This will bankrupt our country.

Tim See
