Langley Middle School student is one of many junior roller derby athletes | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

What a wonderful article about women’s roller derby, and the three local women who participate. I’m impressed that the writer even took the time to learn a bit about the game, and the recent national explosion of women’s flat-track roller derby.

To the editor:

What a wonderful article about women’s roller derby, and the three local women who participate. I’m impressed that the writer even took the time to learn a bit about the game, and the recent national explosion of women’s flat-track roller derby.

Did you know that the same type of growth is happening in junior roller derby? Yes, girls under 18 also have a place to feel a part of a team, in a nontraditional sport.

With names like Lilly Lightning, Alexacuter, Rosie D. Kream-Her, and Jo the Pummeler, the Seattle Derby Brats are all the derby at half the age. The Brats have two divisions within their league, the Tootsy Rollers and the Junior Mints.

The Tootsies are one of only a handful of groups, for ages younger than 11, skating in the nation. Their ages range from 6 to 11 years old.

The Junior Mints are separated into two teams, the Toxic AvengHers and the Evil Angels, for local competition. They also have a travel team, the Galaxy Girls, coached by veteran adult derby girl Betty Ford Galaxy, who started the league several years ago.

Local roller girl Bridget Haimes, currently a seventh-grader at Langley Middle School, travels to Ballard two nights a week for practices.

After starting derby in November 2008, Rosie D. Kream-Her quickly made the Evil Angels, and soon after, the Galaxy Girls. Check out their Web site,, or even better, check the calendar and come to a bout.

Get your daughter involved in a sport “for every body” for less money than most other sports.

Steven Haimes
