Let’s take our country forward | LETTER TO THE EDITOR


To the editor:

I went to Washington, D.C. on Oct. 2 to participate in a march at the Lincoln memorial. More than 100,000 people came on a nice day to show support for President Obama and his agenda.

We went there to show that we need Democrats to maintain their majority in Congress to advance the change that Americans voted for in 2008.

The people that came represented all walks of our nation’s citizens, and everyone had a smile on their face. The positive energy was very uplifting. The rally started off with music and song and prayers delivered by Christians, Muslims and Jews. As religions should do, they reminded us of the poor and downtrodden in the world who need our help.

I think the main message was that we want our government to protect us, not only from crazy religious fanatics, but from corporate greed, environmental damage and never-ending wars. We want protection for our middle class and poor, with trade policy that promotes jobs for Americans. We want funding for education to provide opportunities for all Americans.

The main concern is that Republicans will take over Congress, and try to turn back the reforms to healthcare insurance and financial services. These industries (among others) have threatened our economy and our environment, and are making more of us poor, while making their CEOs richer.

We have a long way to go to repair the damage of eight years of government that only looked out for the rich. Republicans want to take our country back, Democrats want to take our country forward.

The choice is clear. Please vote in November.

Bob Zuver
