Letter: Don’t support mud-slinging candidate

Dear Editor,

When a wannabe politician feels the need to denigrate his opponent instead of sticking to municipal issues, it smacks of despair and of the fear of losing. It also shows a lack of civility. In today’s world we see this displayed in our national politics, as well as all around the world. But why do local political races have to reflect this lack of courtesy and sportsmanship?

Why must a candidate who professes to be educated and trustworthy feel the need to resort to such low tactics, especially when his opponent has taken the high road in all his actions? Could this be one reason the more positive candidate has been endorsed by both major political parties? And how can anyone complain about his lack of experience when he is the only duly elected and successful politician in the race for mayor?

Not too long ago someone in the political arena said that when one of their opponents went low, they went high. They knew that negativity is a sign of failure, not a sign of success. As children many of us learned the simple rule that underlies civility. It goes: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” As we cast our votes, this could be a good way of judging a candidate. Only candidates who act with civility deserve a vote! It works for me. I hope it’ll work for you too.

Helen Bates

Oak Harbor