Letter: Gun training requirement unfair and unnecessary


I am writing in response to David Freed’s letter “Firearms safety training not just inconvenience” in the June 3 edition.

Your title is correct. This new law is more than an inconvenience. It is a barrier to entry for a fundamental right that is guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.

You shared an exercise in imagination in your letter. I now share with you the reality of the situation.

This new law implements required training and an aptitude test. Both of which does not yet have passing grade requirements and are judged subjectively by a government that clearly wants to disarm citizens. The cost of both will also be out of pocket by the citizens who are trying to exercise their right to protect themselves. This is also affecting everyday citizens not just law enforcement and special forces. This law is an egregious violation of the Constitution.

Now for the other side of your double-edged sword. Imagine having to pay for training to exercise your right to free speech before writing to this paper. Or having a required test that you must pass and are financially responsible for to exercise your right to due process. This law will put an unnecessary hurdle in the way of citizens who are looking to get their first firearm as well as put the right of self defense out of reach for impoverished households.

This law sets a dangerous precedent that threatens to deteriorate all of our rights not just the 2nd Amendment.

Mr. Freed, I encourage you to take a second look at this law and other laws passed last year in our legislative session. So much is taken from you every year and it is easy to not notice.

Johnny Walker

Oak Harbor