Letter: Hoffmire has right qualities to be mayor


On the 4th of July, I walked in support of my dear friend’s campaign. While the day started with something that I feel pretty negatively about, I will discuss more on this later once I’ve had the chance to gather my thoughts.

Politics are my passion. I have a degree in it and am digging into my first appointed position, which will become an elected position in November. I love them. Up until this point, I have never publicly declared a party and I have never publicly supported a candidate. Shane Hoffmire is the very first.

We all had a blast with great music, a great turnout and dinosaurs. It was a successful event, but… there’s so much more to it than that.

Shane walked in the parade while having a whole toddler on his back. His son, Lejend, recently turned 2 years old, and he has such a big spirit. Fun fact, when Lejend was born I was the first one able to see him due to COVID restrictions when he was born and I was incredibly honored to do so.

The playlist that was played for the parade was a mix of Lejend’s favorite songs. The dinosaurs also came about because of him.

Shane’s adoration for his family is, without a doubt, only really rivaled by his own dad, Steve. I have said many times that Steve Hoffmire is the best hype man you could ever find. These traits and values are incredibly important in politics. The integration of his incredible family into his campaign is something that came very naturally for Shane. He does not have a political strategist that micromanages the optics of his campaign. This is all him and who he is at his very core. This is absolutely how you should politic.

Shane has such a humility to him that he would never boast about his choices. Quite honestly, I am not so sure that he always sees how spectacular of a job he is doing.

Shane loves the city of Oak Harbor and he is very visible about it. He engages with the community so openly. He does not shy away from criticism and, instead, meets it with well thought out answers and facts. This is the kind of person I choose to represent me.

Brit Kraner


North Whidbey Pool, Parks and Rec