Letter: Hospital board has opportunity for change


The board of directors for Whidbey Public Hospital District has five seats. Three of them are on the ballot for your vote. Two challengers for these seats, Marion Jouas and Kate Rose, bring relevant, valuable experience.

For Hospital District Position 1, we endorse Marion Jouas. For Hospital District Position 5, we endorse Kate Rose.

Marion Jouas RN, in particular, brings 40 years of health care experience, leadership and service. She’s been a nurse in ERs and burn care units in both military and civilian settings around the world. She retired from the U.S. Air Force as a Lieutenant Colonel. She has a master’s degree from Georgetown University in managing health care systems. For the last three years she’s been president of WhidbeyHealth Foundation, raising much-needed funds for the hospital.

Kate Rose has a master’s degree in Public Health and she has served our community in a variety of leadership roles.

Please join us in voting for Marion Jouas and Kate Rose.

Todd and Chris Peterson
