Letter: Open government means listening to the people


This letter is to support all the efforts in our local communities to maintain very high standards towards open government, including public meetings, requests for public records, meeting agenda ‘packets’ available with the meeting agendas, as well as when someone emails an elected person, that elected person takes the time to respond individually, just as much as possible. Everyone has a point of view, and sometimes, not all points of view are heard.

With the recent WhidbeyHealth major issues, I am reminded of the many years of the public meetings of the elected board of commissioners being held at 7 a.m., despite years of requests from the public to change that public meeting time. Recently, the City of Langley chose to change their city council meeting time from 5:30 to 5 p.m., and naturally, people who work expected to be heard.

All in all, our community of elected people are doing a very good job, just try to listen more. Listening really can build a stronger community.

Leanne Finlay
