Letter: Thank you to all who helped garden tour


The 2023 Whidbey Island Garden Tour raised over $22,000 by once again finding and marketing our hidden assets — private gardens. Enormous thank yous to the founders who in 1995 started it all to save the Saratoga Woods.

Thank you to all the garden owners who over the years have opened their gardens to the tour. Tremendous thanks to the many volunteers who each year, some since 1996, sign up to produce this one day event.

This year we are so pleased be able to support projects at Clinton Community Center, Enso House, Growing Veterans, Meerkerk Rhododendron Gardens, Price Sculpture Park, Readiness to Learn, South Whidbey Commons, South Whidbey Good Cheer and Whidbey Waldorf School.

Penny Harger


Whidbey Island Garden Tour