Letter: Those opposing fireworks are hypocritical


I am writing you about this group the wants to ban our right to celebrate the birth of our country. My wife and I went to one of their so-called meetings in Freeland, and they did not wanna hear anything from people that were so-called against what they are trying to change.

This group is very one-sided and, for instance, in the article from June 7 they mentioned that fireworks pollute the air, land and water. They are not willing to give up any a thing, for instance, driving their cars, smoking and drinking. This is all a bunch of crock, namely of people who want to change this country into something that they want, but they don’t want anybody else to be able to enjoy.

I believe 100% in supporting other peoples rights, but I also expect them to respect my rights as a U.S. foreign citizen. It’s just like the people a few years ago who went up to Anacortes to blockade ships from coming in to the refinery. They did not mind using their gas cars, boats or flotation devices that was made out of petroleum fluid, one way or another, but that’s OK as long as they support it.

When is this country going to say enough is enough, if you don’t like the laws and rules of this country, please leave? Give them my name and number and I will be glad to go help them pack their bags. Enough is enough.

Harry Hetzer
