LETTER TO THE EDITOR: All voters want what is best

To the editor:

With the party conventions almost over, we are bound to be imbued with an avalanche of partisan talking points and false accusations.

However, voters must sift through the partisan filth that fills our newspapers, televisions and radios. They need to vote for the candidate that demonstrates an ability to find the best solutions to problems.

Tim Knue believes in the power of compromise and open discussion to thwart the rancor of partisanship that fills our newspapers and televisions. As a teacher for 32 years, he cultivated the skills to work with students, parents, fellow teachers and administrators. Tim Knue was “Teacher of the Year” in 2001 for his dedication to his students, and his willingness to work with everyone.

The struggle to work with everyone in the political process in this nation is as old as this nation. However, it is comforting that other leaders have found ways to accomplish goals that help everyone.

One leader that struggled with the scourge of partisan hatred was Thomas Jefferson, but he profoundly articulated the concept that we should all keep in mind.

Jefferson wrote that “every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. We have called by different names brethren of the same principle.”

Jefferson was a leader that understood that all voters want what is best for the nation, and we need a leader for the 10th District that understands this concept as well. There is certainly more that unites us than divides us, and we should not seek the opinions of those that speak with such discontent and hatred with little desire to learn the truth.

We need Tim Knue in Olympia to assure that this basic principle of good government is provided in the state House of Representatives for the 10th District.

Susan Bender

Camano Island