LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Animal learning experience on Whidbey

I’m writing to encourage young and older people to volunteer at WAIF Animal Shelter.

To the editor:

I’m writing to encourage young and older people to volunteer at WAIF Animal Shelter. The animals need the most love and care they can get due to no home. The employees can only do so much; the more help the better. I volunteer there myself and the staff is so nice and welcoming, they teach you what to do step by step for the best of the animals. For example, they show you how to get in and out of the dog kennels before and after you secure their leashes and that you need to put a sign on the dog kennel letting people know that the dog is already being walked.

They teach you how to clean cats cages and litter boxes with specific cleaning tools, Some cats have diets so there’s different foods to give them. I hope this letter can get you up and on your way to WAIF to let dogs enjoy the sunshine and cats enjoy loving play time and brushing.

Rhiannon Ellsworth
