LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Attacks on incumbent treasurer deserve educated response

Editor, I cannot stand by and witness the mudslinging campaign being pursued by Wanda Grone. When Grone decided to run, rather than being honest and above board about her intentions, she chose to let both the treasurer and her fellow staff members discover it in the newspaper.


I cannot stand by and witness the mudslinging campaign being pursued by Wanda Grone. When Grone decided to run, rather than being honest and above board about her intentions, she chose to let both the treasurer and her fellow staff members discover it in the newspaper.

She could have run on her merits but instead has pursued a campaign of negativity. I would like to provide clarification on several of Grone’s assertions:

— The treasurer’s absence. Ana Maria Nuñez’s sister was diagnosed with cancer. Grone was never acting treasurer, contrary to what she posted on her website. This was no vacation — Nuñez was telecommuting. Our office was contacted daily via telephone and email. She made all investment and executive decisions, including budget discussions with the commissioners. Wanda was responsible for day-to-day operations, the job for which she was hired.

— Grone’s car was “the last in the parking lot” because she was so habitually over 15 minutes late to work that her hours were adjusted to 8:15 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. to accommodate her tardiness. It is disingenuous of her to use this as an example of her “working hard.”

— Grone was vocal about not being willing to work overtime for “free” as a salaried employee. She tracked her hours to ensure she didn’t work beyond the required 40 hours. Nuñez, and the rest of the staff, both hourly and salaried, regularly work overtime. Neither my co-workers nor myself remember ever seeing Grone on a weekend, no matter how far behind she was on her work or how swamped our office was.

— The treasurer has pursued training. Ongoing education is a necessity and greatly benefits the taxpayers. Nuñez takes copious notes in order to obtain the most knowledge. When Grone attends training, she sits in the back of the room and takes micro-naps during the presentations.

As we drove to one training, she told me that she intended to leave the conference early so she could get home to walk her dogs. That is a waste of taxpayer dollars.


Deputy Treasurer