LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Bailey letter in mail unfair to Homola

Editor, I am appalled at Barbara Bailey’s hit piece that I got in the mail today — distortions, misrepresentations and outright falsehoods. This is the tone, the example she wants to set in her effort to get re-elected? For crying out loud, she attacks Angie Homola for voting to cut the county budget, cuts that were essential to balance the budget during the great recession. Bailey also claims that Homola was “let go” from her job as a county building inspector, a claim which is simply not true.


I am appalled at Barbara Bailey’s hit piece that I got in the mail today — distortions, misrepresentations and outright falsehoods. This is the tone, the example she wants to set in her effort to get re-elected? For crying out loud, she attacks Angie Homola for voting to cut the county budget, cuts that were essential to balance the budget during the great recession. Bailey also claims that Homola was “let go” from her job as a county building inspector, a claim which is simply not true.

I fully understand that political campaigns are about defining differences between candidates on things like skills, experience and policy issues. But I do not understand Barbara Bailey’s need to resort to character assassination and made up facts, especially when she had earlier disavowed negative campaigning.

The facts are that as a county commissioner, Angie Homola, along with her colleagues, faced some very painful budget decisions during very lean times; they had to cut $6.1 million out of a $25 million budget. The cuts they made were fiscally responsible and, as a result, the county earned a AA bond rating, saving the county even more money. Homola even returned nearly $40,000 of her salary to help maintain certain county services. Contrary to Bailey’s assertions, this is a record to be proud of; Homola was simply doing the very hard job she was elected to do.

I want change in Olympia. I want a state senator who is positive and forward looking, who isn’t part of the current legislative gridlock. That is why I will be voting for Angie Homola.

