LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Betty Bond is the best candidate

Editor, As former South Whidbey School Board directors, our perspective is unique in evaluating candidates for school board. We believe Betty Bond is the best candidate to represent our community as a member of the South Whidbey School District Board of Education.


As former South Whidbey School Board directors, our perspective is unique in evaluating candidates for school board. We believe Betty Bond is the best candidate to represent our community as a member of the South Whidbey School District Board of Education.

Betty understands that school board members make decisions that can have a lasting impact on our community. Property values, taxes, and local business are all affected by the quality of local schools. Betty Bond is a passionate education advocate with extensive experience, and has dedicated her life to quality education for all children. Betty is a retired teacher and teacher trainer. She has been a board member for a variety of non-profit organizations, so she understands the different skills and perspectives that being a board member requires. She also understands that a board member must be collaborative, cooperative, and ethically responsible.

Betty is very hard working, and while she brings a fresh perspective to this important work, she also cares deeply about the future of our students and the quality of their education. She would like to bring her skills and dedication to the children of the South Whidbey School District as a Board member.

We urge you all to vote, and when you do, we hope you will join us in voting for Betty Bond.