LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Bird column on predatory felines a timely reminder

Editor, Thanks to Frances Wood for her timely reminder to keep cats indoors in her article on California quail. The quail are one of the most vulnerable birds, along with our ground nesters: the juncos, sparrows and towhees. The chipmunks and Douglas squirrels are also easy prey for cats.


Thanks to Frances Wood for her timely reminder to keep cats indoors in her article on California quail.

The quail are one of the most vulnerable birds, along with our ground nesters: the juncos, sparrows and towhees. The chipmunks and Douglas squirrels are also easy prey for cats.

First, we need to pass county laws like the ones that are already on the books in Oak Harbor where cats must be licensed, and “all animals shall be kept under restraint.” Then we should prosecute owners whose cats kill wildlife, just as we would not tolerate someone who was shooting at songbirds.

I love cats. I have two of them. But I am a responsible owner who does not let them roam freely. My cats do not have the right to hunt migratory songbirds which are federally protected.

