LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Born deserves vote for hospital

Editor, Do you know the story about the emperor’s new clothes? Basically, the tailors convince the emperor that they will make him fabulous clothes that are unmatched in beauty and have the added benefit of appearing invisible to anyone who is stupid. Everyone admires the clothes, not wanting to be deemed stupid, including the emperor, who marches proudly down the street, with the crowds raving at the beauty of his clothes. Except one boy, who calls out, stating “The emperor has no clothes.”


Do you know the story about the emperor’s new clothes? Basically, the tailors convince the emperor that they will make him fabulous clothes that are unmatched in beauty and have the added benefit of appearing invisible to anyone who is stupid. Everyone admires the clothes, not wanting to be deemed stupid, including the emperor, who marches proudly down the street, with the crowds raving at the beauty of his clothes. Except one boy, who calls out, stating “The emperor has no clothes.”

I am voting for Rob Born for hospital commissioner. Why? Because finally, after so many years of the commissioners smiling, nodding, and glad handing each other, he has the interest and dedication to point out the obvious and not so obvious, and ask why. Do I think he is correct on every front? I do not. But, I know he will ask questions, he will read documents, he will insist on transparency, and he will listen to public concerns and strive to get an answer.

He is one voice in five, so he cannot “take over” the board. But, he can open discussions that the board sorely needs to have. Voting for Born means the start of regaining control of our hospital. I have worked for 40 years in hospitals, primarily in management, and change is sorely needed here. Rob will bring that change of view to our hospital.

