LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Cats especially dangerous in spring

Although it’s best to keep cats indoors or on a leash year round, I’d like urge people to at least prevent their cats from roaming freely from April through July. This is prime nesting season and wild babies are completely defenseless against cats on the prowl.

To the editor:

Although it’s best to keep cats indoors or on a leash year round, I’d like urge people to at least prevent their cats from roaming freely from April through July. This is prime nesting season and wild babies are completely defenseless against cats on the prowl.

On the island we have many ground nesting birds that are particularly vulnerable to cat predation, and most baby birds spend one or two weeks hopping around on the ground after they have left their nest before they are able to fly.

This is a part of their normal fledgling period, and though parent birds are still feeding and caring for their babies during this stage, they cannot protect them from cats.

Spring is also the time that coyotes are feeding their young and a dangerous time for cats to be out alone. It’s better that we keep our pets safely indoors.

Thanks to all the people on Whidbey who are working to protect our wildlife and pets.

Linda Bainbridge
