LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Confederate flag is an insult to this country

Editor, On the flag that represents the philosophy of the confederacy, Germany outlawed the display of the swastika in any form, but as anyone who has been to Germany will tell you, they do not deny or hide what it represents — a very dark, disgusting time in their history. Museums, plaques and displays tell the story of those dark days.


On the flag that represents the philosophy of the confederacy, Germany outlawed the display of the swastika in any form, but as anyone who has been to Germany will tell you, they do not deny or hide what it represents — a very dark, disgusting time in their history. Museums, plaques and displays tell the story of those dark days.

And we? We romanticize the flag that flew over the confederacy, claiming it represents mint juleps and brave soldiers, when in fact it represents a racist, treasonous, insurrection against the United States. That the confederacy was racist and that secession was driven by belief in white supremacy and slavery is undeniable (read The Cornerstone Address delivered by the confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens and/or many of the secession documents).

Every time it is displayed it is an insult to this country. I believe the Confederate flag should be not only taken down, but banned.

