LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Consider citizens’ needs first

Editor, When I travel along the west side of Lake Washington, from the arboretum to Seward Park, I am amazed at the foresight that the public officials had over 100 years ago. They had a vision of the future that included beautiful places for the masses to enjoy, for free, with their families.


When I travel along the west side of Lake Washington, from the arboretum to Seward Park, I am amazed at the foresight that the public officials had over 100 years ago. They had a vision of the future that included beautiful places for the masses to enjoy, for free, with their families.

And then I wonder how it is that we have come to a time and place where our public officials are concerned that real estate developers, often from off the island, need to have equal consideration for their self-serving endeavors and that we, as a people, should somehow embrace that line of thinking. I say to those commissioners here in Island County that are championing that line of thought: it was the people who elected you to watch out for them, not to take care of any special interest group.

Please re-examine and reconsider your pledge to serve the citizens of Island County and then do what is appropriate to benefit those people who put you in the position to serve them.

