LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Convert middle school into center?

To the editor:

According to The Record on Oct. 11, the school district is looking at a $4.4 million seismic upgrade to the middle school. In addition, South Whidbey Parks & Recreation is asking for $15.2 million to build a recreation complex.

I have a suggestion. Why not combine the two projects?

Move the middle school students to the now-closed elementary school building and sell or arrange a long-term lease of the middle school to Parks & Recreation. The elementary school is considerably newer than any of the middle school buildings and would not need a $4.4 million upgrade.

The middle school already has a gymnasium. There is a kitchen with lunchroom on the main floor along with space that could be utilized many different ways. The “cooler” building also could be used for athletic or physical fitness purposes. There is plenty of parking in front of and behind the buildings.

The facility is close to downtown Langley, WICA and the fairgrounds which would allow for intra-community activities. The Spencer Building also has marvelous possibilities for multi-uses with its auditorium and adjacent rooms. In addition, there is plenty of room on the grounds to dig or construct a pool, build tennis courts, etc. in the future.

Why start from scratch to build a whole new complex when we have an already existing one that surely could be retrofitted less expensively than $4.4 million, plus saddling us with $15.2 million in bonded indebtedness and/or tax increases? Just asking.

Jean Goodfellow
