LETTER TO THE EDITOR | County commissioner make up warrants review

Editor, I’m new to Island County and have been observing our county government for only a couple of years. If there is anything to be learned from the abominable behavior, lack of work ethic and complete disregard for the well-being of the citizens displayed by Kelly Emerson, it is that three is a bad number for any committee.


I’m new to Island County and have been observing our county government for only a couple of years. If there is anything to be learned from the abominable behavior, lack of work ethic and complete disregard for the well-being of the citizens displayed by Kelly Emerson, it is that three is a bad number for any committee.

Thank goodness Ms. Emerson has resigned, but the voters of Island County should reconsider the size of our county commission. With only three members we are at the mercy of each of them to do their jobs and if they don’t, we all suffer. If we had two or three more commissioners, the poor performance or refusal to perform of any one member would be much less problematic for the county.

