LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Crime, courts stories have their place on page one

I read with vexation and sadness the letter of Jake Stewart, “The Record should cut back on page one crime stories” in Saturday’s edition, regarding front page stories of DUI being read by readers who enjoy the “play-by-play.”


I read with vexation and sadness the letter of Jake Stewart, “The Record should cut back on page one crime stories” in Saturday’s edition, regarding front page stories of DUI being read by readers who enjoy the “play-by-play.” As one who lost a beloved daughter to a DUI driver, I can assure you there is nothing enjoyable about the legal ramifications surrounding DUI and I do not believe the average person reads them for enjoyment. This is a demeaning statement and Mr. Stewart owes an apology to the family whose loved one lost his life to the alleged drunk driver highlighted in the article.

The stories focused on a serious legal problem regarding the collection of evidence that was essential to prosecuting the case. Had the judge not ruled favorably for the prosecution, the community would have been justified in asking what went wrong and how can the problem be fixed. Entertaining? No. Essential information for concerned citizens? Absolutely.

The primary purpose of a newspaper is to inform its readership. News stories should be on the front page. The Record provides ample human interest and “feel good” stories about other aspects of our community both on the front page and on the inside pages.

If entertainment is what Mr. Stewart wants, he should try The New Yorker. They have great cartoons.

I further suggest that he attend one of the excellent classes provided by the Impaired Driving Panel of Island County, or IDIPIC, to learn about the serious problem of drinking and driving in our community. I assure him there is nothing enjoyable about it.

