LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Donald Trump is a dangerous man

Editor, Enough! I am fed up with the bigoted bombastic bluster coming from bigmouth Donald Trump (and Mini-Me Ted Cruz) in the media. If any one of Trump’s smug sophomoric statements had been made public only a few years ago, there would have been immediate outcry. He would have been banished from mainstream media as a pariah. It’s doubtful his spew would have been tolerated by any network with even a modicum of journalistic principles, Fox “News” excepted of course.


Enough! I am fed up with the bigoted bombastic bluster coming from bigmouth Donald Trump (and Mini-Me Ted Cruz) in the media. If any one of Trump’s smug sophomoric statements had been made public only a few years ago, there would have been immediate outcry. He would have been banished from mainstream media as a pariah. It’s doubtful his spew would have been tolerated by any network with even a modicum of journalistic principles, Fox “News” excepted of course.

Trump thrives on demagoguery. He’s a tyrant whose money has insulated him from any consequences of being a bully that bulldozes anyone who disagrees with him. This may work sometimes in the business world (to the disgust of hapless underlings), but in politics it leads to absolute, catastrophic disaster. It’s called dictatorship and if this materializes all bets are off. Civil rights cease. The Constitution becomes irrelevant. Law enforcement replaces the judicial system. Fear permeates everywhere.

It’s unbelievable that Trump can be taken even halfway seriously by some, but the fact is those “some” actually are supporting him and they think they are “patriots.” These people have something in common with the Brown Shirts, the mob mentality thugs that boosted Hitler into power. Think not? Think again. Try talking to someone who was actually there. History doesn’t exactly repeat itself, but there are similarities that can have horrific results if we don’t pay attention.

The Republican Party has been hijacked by Tea Party crackpots. They thrive on fear mongering and intolerance of anyone who is different enough from them and their ideal of who should live in this country. And that ideal means white (above all white), Christian (even though the original meaning has typically been lost on them) and politically ultra-conservative (which blends seamlessly into fascism).

Trump is the antithesis of what an American leader should be. He would bar anyone from entering this country based on their religion. He likes internment camps.  Unfortunately, he is no joke at least to a lot of misguided people. He is dangerous. God help us all if he is not jeered off the political stage.

