LETTER TO THE EDITOR: E-mails: You people scare me

To the editor:

In the last few weeks my e-mail inbox has been inundated with malevolent, lie-filled forwards aimed toward one of our presidential candidates.

They come across as racist, hating half-truths, if there is any truth in them at all. These forwards literally make my blood run cold. Several have left me in tears not only from the anger I feel at such maliciousness but also with immense sadness because most of these e-mails have come from the very same people I attend church with.

It is so incredibly easy to verify or discredit the information being put out in these writings. Instead, they appear to be taken for the truth, notwithstanding, no questions asked, gotta believe everything you read.

I implore everyone, no matter for whom you are voting, to please check your facts. Make sure you are presenting the truth when you pass a forward on, or better yet, don’t pass it on at all. Err on the side of caution and honor truth. Learn everything you can about each candidate from reliable sources. Study what they stand for on each and every issue, not just those near and dear to your heart. And for the sake of our country and everyone’s future, don’t place your vote based solely on the content of an e-mail.

Luanne Raavel
