LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Emerson is best choice for Langley

Editor, In the race for Langley’s mayor, we have a stark contrast between the two candidates, a south Whidbey newcomer and a 31-year resident of the South End. Sharon Emerson in her many years here has proven herself to be resilient, honest, reliable, responsive and hard-working, a strong woman who has dedicated herself to serving the people of South Whidbey.


In the race for Langley’s mayor, we have a stark contrast between the two candidates, a south Whidbey newcomer and a 31-year resident of the South End. Sharon Emerson in her many years here has proven herself to be resilient, honest, reliable, responsive and hard-working, a strong woman who has dedicated herself to serving the people of South Whidbey.

Because of the kind of business woman Sharon is and the nature of her leadership in the community, it would be hard to find anyone on South Whidbey who hasn’t either benefited directly from, or doesn’t know others who have gained from Sharon’s many contributions — to the schools, the business and medical communities and island governance. Island Home Nursing, which Sharon co-founded 30 years ago to serve the people of the South End, has a deserving legacy of providing optimal at-home care “whether you need two hours a week or 24-hour service, so you can stay where your heart is.” Because of this wonderful service, many people have been able to stay in their own homes when they would not have been able to without help. Just as important, many South Whidbey residents have enjoyed flexible, meaningful, and reliable employment while being able to help out their neighbors.

Sharon is a wife, a mother, and a successful businesswoman, yet there is nothing conventional about her. She thrives on change and creatively pushes the “green edge” of possibility while following a well-tuned compass within a very big and compassionate heart.

Sharon is woman of vision, committed to getting things done. Because of who she is, what she values, and her motivation to work together with all members of our community, we can expect transparent, inclusive, forward-looking and informed leadership. With Sharon as mayor, we will move forward together with strength and resilience, well prepared to continue to thrive as a community.

Please remember to vote!


South Whidbey