LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Fine enough for the kook fringe

To the editor:

Reference is made to Jamie McNett’s letter on the Oct. 11 opinion page.

This is an example of the worst in what has passed as political discourse in this country. I can understand being critical of Palin’s lack of national experience, or wondering if she has the depth of knowledge on an array of issues. How does her handling of a successful pregnancy have any relevance? On what basis can the Palins be expected to respond about such an intimate personal matter?

If the “facts” presented are “verified,” shouldn’t they be verified before being presented in a public forum? Otherwise, how is one to know whether they are facts or not?

As concerns all the conspiratorial nonsense: George W. Bush will be gone come January; Karl Rove has been out of the White House and in the private sector for over a year now, and has no connection to the McCain campaign.

I further challenge the editor to explain what criteria is used to determine which letters are published on the editorial page. It seems that this one would only be appropriate in the kook fringe of the blogosphere.

Lon Peterman
