LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Get registered now, or regret it

To the editor:

How does the prospect of John McCain with his finger on the nuclear trigger feel to you? Some of his statements make me wonder if he’s becoming senile, not an unheard of occurrence at his age, especially given his recurring cancers and the abuse his mind and body endured 40 years ago.

He must at one time have known the differences between Sunni and Shia, their allies and foes in the Middle East, yet he confuses them repeatedly in his public statements. Not a confidence-building sign. Nor is his selection of a very limited person to step into his shoes should that high probability occasion arise. Eight years of Alfred. E. Bush in the White House should be enough of a lesson.

Rather than whine about the very real possibility that McCain will become president, and assuming that you’re registered to vote, why not find a relative or friend who isn’t registered and help them sign up? All people in Washington state who are registered to vote are listed online. Many young but eligible people aren’t registered.

After Oct. 4, people need to register in person. Get it done online now; it’s your right to have your opinion counted.

Bush and Cheney personify our loss of reputation in the world though we’ve all helped, at least passively. Civilized people condemn torture; knowledgeable people know it doesn’t produce truth. Our current leaders endorse torture, kidnapping and jailing people for life without trial. They are responsible for the deaths of thousands of American military personnel and hundreds of thousands if not millions of Iraqis and Afghanis. They are war criminals by the definitions of the treaties and agreements our nation is a signatory to.

The Republicans seeking to replace these thugs are not just members of the same party; they espouse virtually all the same policies.

Conservatives who support limited government, fiscal responsibility, and our Constitution please consider: We are on the brink of a one-branch system of government that will destroy all of us. Continuing to remodel our ship of state into a submarine is not a good idea.

Jamie McNett
