LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Give voters the final say

To the editor:

Let the voters decide.

Would you like to be able to vote whether to implement local control over our electric system after a feasibility study is complete? I would.

If a PUD is approved by voters in this election, three commissioners will be elected with the authority to levy a modest property tax to pay for a feasibility study to see if a local utility makes sense for Whidbey Island. As it stands now, the commissioners will make the decision about whether to establish a local utility based on the results of that study.

I have created a petition to ask the commission candidates to pledge to let the voters decide once the feasibility study is complete. If you think this is a good idea, I invite you to sign the petition online at http://letthevotersdecide.blogspot.com/.

If you do not have online access, you can call me at home. I’m listed in the phone book as “Snow M&N.”

This decision will affect Whidbey Island for decades. We need to give voters the final say once we have the facts from the study.

Nancy Snow
