LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Golf matters to senior citizens on Whidbey

Editor, As a woman golfer who initiated the Holmes Harbor Ladies group, I take exception to Editor Jim Larsen’s arrogant and shortsighted editorial concerning the South Whidbey Parks and Recreation exploration of operating the Holmes Harbor Golf Course.


As a woman golfer who initiated the Holmes Harbor Ladies group, I take exception to Editor Jim Larsen’s arrogant and shortsighted editorial concerning the South Whidbey Parks and Recreation exploration of operating the Holmes Harbor Golf Course.

Parks and Recreation has an opportunity to provide unimportant asset for youth and senior citizens on South Whidbey. The middle and high school golf programs would love to have a venue for practice and instruction.

Youth clinics for the community would introduce many to golf who have never have had an opportunity to play.

Golf is a non-contact sport that teaches values such as integrity, perseverance and personal responsibility.

The First Tee organization is putting millions into developing young golfers.

I know of seniors who regularly play into their 90s and enjoy Holmes Harbor because of its shorter length. Our ladies’ group of about 35 women liked the fact that a round can be played in three hours.

These women are all from South Whidbey, not just Holmes Harbor.

You tell us to drive 60 miles to Oak Harbor and back, join a private country club or play at a less-than-suitable course without amenities. Or, better yet, buy a boat to launch.

Why didn’t you say, “let them eat cake?”

Seniors are the largest-growing population on South Whidbey.

Evidently, they don’t count in your estimation.

Nancy Walker
