LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Hearts & Hammers helpers deserve much gratitude

Editor, As president of Hearts & Hammers of South Whidbey, I would like say, “Thank you” to all those who are volunteering for this year’s workday on May 7. I know it’s Mother’s Day weekend and many of you have plans to celebrate it. How else could you make a mother happier by either giving or receiving the gift of volunteering?


As president of Hearts & Hammers of South Whidbey, I would like say, “Thank you” to all those who are volunteering for this year’s workday on May 7. I know it’s Mother’s Day weekend and many of you have plans to celebrate it. How else could you make a mother happier by either giving or receiving the gift of volunteering?

We have selected 35 homes to repair this year, plus the recycling and wood delivery. Our board has spent countless hours going over all those who applied and we have chosen the ones that fit our mission of keeping the homeowner safe and in a healthy environment. Some were not received in time for our assessments and we apologize for that. So please apply next year by the end of January if you feel like you were overlooked.

Thank you.


Hearts & Hammers board president