LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Hillary Clinton’s speech was one for the records

Editor, This is to my dearest daughters. I don’t know if you have been following the convention this week, but it has been truly inspiring as opposed to the doom and gloom of last week. My reason for writing is to remind you that a “few” years ago I tried to instill in you that girls can do anything. You both have proved to me that you have never felt limited, going for your own dreams.


This is to my dearest daughters. I don’t know if you have been following the convention this week, but it has been truly inspiring as opposed to the doom and gloom of last week. My reason for writing is to remind you that a “few” years ago I tried to instill in you that girls can do anything. You both have proved to me that you have never felt limited, going for your own dreams.

I have listened to unbelievable speeches the past three nights: Cory Booker (someone to watch; that’s what I said 12 years ago when I watched a young Barack Obama give the keynote speech), Michelle Obama (outstanding), Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Bill Clinton (a tear jerker and most informative about Hillary’s accomplishments), Joe Biden (great), President Obama (tied with his wife for the best) and have shed many tears about how our lives have played out since you two were young Camp Fire girls. We are about to elect a woman to be our next president of these great United States. I knew it would happen someday but would I live to see it? Well, we will and I did!

Hillary is going to be fantastic. She has spent her whole life fighting for the underdogs — my kind of lady — and now we need to pass on the good stuff about her to those who “don’t trust” her. People need to quit listening to one-liners and believing things without proof. They just need to look into her bio to find out what a quality person she is. Spread the word.

The video Tuesday night after Bill’s speech was one for the records. On the big screen they showed pictures of every president from George Washington through Barack Obama then the screen exploded like glass breaking and falling and Hillary appeared live thanking everyone for helping her get there saying, “I may be the first woman president but one of you young girls may just be the next.”

See, I told you that girls can do anything!

Love, Mom

