LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Holmes Harbor needs protection

Editor, Most of the many millions of dollars of economic activity on South Whidbey are generated by full-time residents, people who have second homes here and live elsewhere, and visitors. These are the people who pay the taxes, shop at the local stores, hire contractors and providers of services, and patronize our restaurants and entertainment venues. Most of the wherewithal for that economic activity is earned off-island and spent here by people who come because of three blessings enjoyed by South Whidbey that are not available everywhere. They are: (1) Many opportunities for recreational activities, (2) beauty, and (3) serenity. Holmes Harbor provides its share of those blessings and their economic benefits to thousands of people.


Most of the many millions of dollars of economic activity on South Whidbey are generated by full-time residents, people who have second homes here and live elsewhere, and visitors. These are the people who pay the taxes, shop at the local stores, hire contractors and providers of services, and patronize our restaurants and entertainment venues. Most of the wherewithal for that economic activity is earned off-island and spent here by people who come because of three blessings enjoyed by South Whidbey that are not available everywhere. They are: (1) Many opportunities for recreational activities, (2) beauty, and (3) serenity. Holmes Harbor provides its share of those blessings and their economic benefits to thousands of people.

Why, then, are our “public servants,” elected and otherwise, so willing to sacrifice them to provide some-time jobs to 220 people, many of whom do not even live on South Whidbey?

We must protect residential Holmes Harbor from the ill effects of heavy industry.

