LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Homola is sincere and competent

To the editor:

After reading the piece about Angie Homola in the Saturday, Oct. 18 paper, I felt it was important to respond, lending one reader’s personal point of view.

I do not know Angie Homola.

I have heard her speak and found her to be an educated, competent, sincere person who is concerned about our island and one who wishes to be involved in the workings of it.

Knowing that our county government offices and county commissioners have, until recently, been a very tight “Good Old Boy” network made me read between the lines of the story and the remarks made by Bakke and

McDowell, persons running against her in this election.

What I read was that Angie was trying to do her job, in a way that was not the “norm” as expected, or “this is the way we have always done it” or “just don’t bother with that.”

I wonder how many Enron employees were told to “just do it. This is how we do it and this is how you are going to do it.”

I respect that Homola has remained quiet and is trying to move forward by running for an office where she can do some good, in a professional manner, even if it is different from the norm.

I’m voting for Angie Homola.

Donna Lee vonFalkenberg
