LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Honor the fallen on Patriot Day

Editor, The South Whidbey American Legion Auxiliary of Post 141 would like to remind our citizens that September 11th is now known as Patriot Day in remembrance of the 2,977 victims of the terrorist attacks in New York.


The South Whidbey American Legion Auxiliary of Post 141 would like to remind our citizens that September 11th is now known as Patriot Day in remembrance of the 2,977 victims of the terrorist attacks in New York.

We ask that all flags be flown at half-staff and that we all join our nation in a moment of silence at 8:46 a.m., eastern standard time, when the first plane struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center.

We give thanks to all our service members who risk their lives to keep us safe. Please wear red, white and blue to honor our country and wave your flags proudly.


2nd vice president

American Legion Auxiliary Post 142