LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Is Langley meeting a charrette or smoke screen?

Editor, The Charrette was supposed to present options for Marina area access with factual information to provide basis for a decision. No cost information is to be presented. How many long-term parking stalls, location and price for each option? Who will fund operations and replacement when the device wears out-- clean it, repair it and prevent misuse of a non-occupied 24/7 device for many years? Business interests, the primary proponents who want it, should pay for it?


The Charrette was supposed to present options for Marina area access with factual information to provide basis for a decision.

No cost information is to be presented. How many long-term parking stalls, location and price for each option? Who will fund operations and replacement when the device wears out– clean it, repair it and prevent misuse of a non-occupied 24/7 device for many years? Business interests, the primary proponents who want it, should pay for it?

Visitors need parking for view dining at the proposed new restaurant overlooking the Marina and Cascades? Parking for existing non-view restaurants will be used.

We are told those few who attend the charrette will indicate public consensus. Anyone who believes a token charrette group represents public consensus doesn’t understand charrette process. Often used to give smoke screen appearance of broad consensus while withholding important information for “later”.

Only a few can fit a small meeting room. Opinions of attending non-residents will be counted as part of the consensus. They do not pay Langley taxes to build or operate any device.

We own a property on Cascade, in the family over 50 years. We are not Langley residents but we pay substantial Langley taxes. Other non-resident s own Cascade property. Owners across from the proposed “device” are stakeholders. The City has never contacted us over the years or about this charrette. Other non- resident property owners have not been informed.

The Planner takes direction from the Mayor. Not the independent person he is portrayed to be by the Mayor who says he is going to stay out of this. Anyone think the Mayor is turning this over to a new employee?

How will individual residents benefit from this device? Provide some detail please! Crowded parking will send them elsewhere and change Langley’s environment.

The grant was to provide waterfront access in case of a slide. A bluff device may be damaged and not operate following a slide. Temporary access alternatives are available at much less cost.

No rational person would make a huge on-going taxpayer financial commitment following one small charrette that lacks key information.

