LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Kiwanis prepare fireworks

To the editor: Our continued thanks to The Record for their support of the Kiwanis of South Whidbey and our annual fireworks sale to help raise funds for the children of South Whidbey.

To the editor:

Our continued thanks to The Record for their support of the Kiwanis of South Whidbey and our annual fireworks sale to help raise funds for the children of South Whidbey. For more than 25 years the Kiwanis have sold fireworks and have given away more than $250,000 to our South Whidbey community children’s programs.

Kiwanis has provided many thousands of dollars in scholarships, provided the food for Children’s Day in the park and given generously to over 20 other charities in our community.

Kiwanis wishes to herein thank The South Whidbey Record for their annual stories publicizing our fireworks sale.

Our fireworks stand is located at Red Apple Food Store at Ken’s Korner Shopping Center. Kiwanis will be selling fireworks from June 29 through July 5. Thank you, Steve, for your generous support.

At Kiwanis we love to serve. Come join us at our fireworks stand.

Don LaMontagne
