LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Knue represents real change for us

To the editor:

Norma Smith lost two runs for public office. She ran for U.S. House of Representatives against Rick Larsen and for state Senate against Mary Margaret Haugen.

When Chris Strow stepped down from his position in the state Legislature, Norma was hand-picked by the Republican Party elite so she could finally get the office she “deserved.” In 2002, her demeanor would lead someone to believe that she was an incumbent. She probably got that feeling from working for her mentor Jack Metcalf for so long. We have to take this opportunity — this election — to vote for Tim Knue. We do not need the person the Republican Party leaders installed in Olympia.

How can we judge these two candidates?

As a freshman legislator, she was the only one that did not pass any legislation. Another idea that needs to be addressed is Norma’s judgment. In 2002, she stated, “Certainly, I think that Rick’s decision to oppose the resolution illustrates the fundamental difference between how he and I see the world. I would have voted to stand with the president.” This refers to Rick Larsen’s vote against giving President Bush the power to attack Iraq unilaterally. Norma was not and is not an independent thinker. She will continue to toe the party line.

Tim will be a change for us. We can get a representative in Olympia who has worked hard to earn your respect. His lifelong and continuing efforts to make a difference through Future Farmer’s of America, Kiwanis and his church will continue for us at the state level. He has been rewarded at the state and national levels for his efforts to create opportunities for our youth to enter the workforce with the “real world” skills they need.

Now, there was a call for change in a recent letter to the editor, and we are all for that.

What change do we want? Do we want more of the same from Norma? No! We want an acknowledged community leader like Tim Knue. Someone who will listen, learn and act on the issues important to our way of life.

William Murray
