LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Langley Main Street deserves a pat on the back

Editor, Congratulations to all the hard working Langley Main Street Association volunteers who made Frick Lane into a delightful walkway through Langley’s past. What was an overgrown and ill-lit alley is now a pleasant and informative thoroughfare. The reader boards chronicle the history of our community (check out the all-female city government of 1920) and the plantings and new lighting create a safe and attractive space.


Congratulations to all the hard working Langley Main Street Association volunteers who made Frick Lane into a delightful walkway through Langley’s past. What was an overgrown and ill-lit alley is now a pleasant and informative thoroughfare. The reader boards chronicle the history of our community (check out the all-female city government of 1920) and the plantings and new lighting create a safe and attractive space.

We at Moonraker hear the many comments and accolades from both visitors and residents and we want to pass on this enthusiastic response to all of you Main Streeters who brought this project to life. Good work. We are proud to do business at the corner of First & Frick!


Josh and Barry Hauser, Nancy Welles, Shelley Marsanyi

The Moonraker family