LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Langley should be wary of dangers LEDs present

Editor, We’re responding to the article, “City lights could be replaced with LEDs.” We urge the City of Langley to slow down to ensure public officials and area residents fully understand the facts before replacing current streetlights with LEDs.


We’re responding to the article, “City lights could be replaced with LEDs.”

We urge the City of Langley to slow down to ensure public officials and area residents fully understand the facts before replacing current streetlights with LEDs.

Not all LEDs [light emitting diodes] are the same. There’s a rush by many cities to switch to LEDs to save energy and take advantage of available grant funding. However, the LEDs most often being provided to cities are harmful to human health, wildlife and the environment. The city needs to do its homework to ensure it purchases the right kind of LEDs.

A few weeks ago, the respected American Medical Association took the extraordinary step of issuing an official policy statement warning cities that are considering a switch to LEDs, and instructing cities how to select LEDs that minimize risks to human health.

Many LEDs being provided to cities are too bright and contain high levels of short-wavelength blue light. Nighttime exposure to this light is now linked to the elevated risk of certain cancers, including breast cancer and prostate cancer.

We urge Langley to obtain the AMA policy statement and guidelines, and use them and other information to ensure selection of LEDs that will not harm human health, wildlife and the environment.

Sources of information to guide the city’s decision-making:

•International Dark-Sky Association


From IDA, Langley can obtain expert advice on selecting the right LEDs.

•The American Medical Association


The article summarizes and provides links to new guidelines.

•Davis, California Vanguard article concerns the city of Davis’ problems with converting to LED streetlights.


•Light pollution harms human health, wildlife and the environment. It wastes energy. And, excessive lighting is taking away an entire generation’s ability to see the stars. We’re anxious to spread the word that people don’t have to give up outdoor lighting and nighttime safety to address light pollution. It’s simply a matter of selecting the right kind of light fixtures.


