LETTER TO THE EDITOR| Learn from the Bible

To the editor:

Following is an interrogation I would like to have with corporate executives. The ones who have been given obscene “retention bonuses” to reward their incompetence and greed.

Gentlemen, have you heard the Biblical story of Zacchaeus? You know, the short guy who climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus. The guy who became wealthy by extorting and defrauding his countrymen.

He was hated by his neighbors — sound familiar? — maybe that is why he was in the tree. Anyway, he had a “coming to Jesus” moment and in penitence for his sins, he agreed to return half his wealth to the poor and repay four times over those he had defrauded.

Now, gentleman, are any of you corporate crooks having a “coming to Jesus” moment? If so, please step forward and return your ill-gotten bonuses.

Now, don’t all move at once. Is not there anyone feeling some guilt for his greed? Who will step forward? I am still waiting.

Dick Hall
